CSA2016 Week9: Everything Takes its Turn

IMG_20160803_163732885One of the most enjoyable aspects of eating seasonally, is about the time you are sick of something, you get a break.  Now I know there are some things that people can eat all the time, we all have our favorites, but after weeks and weeks of beans and cabbage, there is a brief pause as we are between successions.  This week some of you will be gifted a beautiful eggplant, others still get broccoli.  Corn is full swing as are the cucumbers.  There are a few prized bell peppers and a half dozen patty pan squash.  Before too long we will be swimming in tomatoes and the squash will be coming in.  But as each new crop becomes ready, for some reason my body really craves it.  It is almost as though it is deprived of what ever nutrients they may have and it ready to soak them up.  That first bowl of creamy cucumbers or corn on the cob taste like heaven.

This week the box is heavy with many substantial things.  No greens to mess with, we are getting down to the results of 3 or 4 months of growth finally culminating in the fruits of all the plants labor.  While the beans may be on vacation, the beets are plentiful.  I planted a great heap of beets and so they are still present.  You may find the all red, earthy flavor of the Detroit Dark Red.  The slightly less earthy and pleasantly sweet and beautiful striped Chioggia,  the ever popular, smooth and sweet Touchstone Gold or the bright yellow and mild Yellow Mangel.  Their counter part, carrots are also hanging out in the box.  A few stored onions, a head of Italian Soft Neck garlic. This is mostly cured so it should be fine storing it on the counter.  The funny looking squash are the patty pan.  This delicate summer squash is excellent sauteed, or lightly fried with eggs, or baked with the basil.  There is a bunch of burp-less Marketmore Cucumbers,  a pile of Purple Viking potatoes, a lone leek, a bunch of basil and small pile of parsley, the best tasting Italian Flat Leaf (perfect for some boiled potatoes).  A dozen ears of corn is tagging along and there are 4 crisp, Summer Crisp Pears.  I only have a lone tree of this fantastic U of M Intoduction, but I wish the other 5 were all this variety cause I can eat them like nobody’s business.  Look for more next week.

With the garlic harvest complete and curing underway, the remainder of this week is dedicated to making Sauerkraut!  This time, the green cabbage is ready to go.   I hope to document the process and let it be known how its done.

And next week, I hope to provide you some Tomatoes, that is if we can stop eating all that ripen.


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